Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A World War II Old, Smelly Army Barrack is Home?

Do you know the expression, "Home is where the heart is"?  Well, can you imagine an old, army barrack as your home?  


I can't either. 

Physically, no one lives there.  

What is it then?

It is Bread of Life Poznan's headquarters.

What's there?

Oh, many, many, many wonderful things:
There is a clothing closet for men and women!
There is a clothing closet for children!
There is a room for mass food distribution!
There is a room for computer classes!
There is a room for a widely successful children's program!
There is room for alcohol, drug addiction and family counseling!

Sounds great...What else?

There is a main room used for soup kitchens for homeless, elderly, poor and meals for children!
And there are the many offices of the many wonderful Bread of Life workers that keep all of these things going!

Well, that sounds really great---but---why did you say, "Home is where the heart is"?  

Because!  This army barrack is where many hearts are.  Many children.  Many women.  Many men.  Many homeless  Many, many, many elderly...They come to this old, dingy barrack and don't see the exterior---they see the hearts of the people on the interior!  They see the love that resides there.

While the barracks is not a physical place of residence---it is a heart-place of home for oh so many!

When you support Bread of Life, you make an army barrack a home!

CampaignTHEM today!

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